

The National Youth Agricultural Conferences provided the foundation of the BBT-YIAdesign.

In 2020 the Ministry of Agriculture organized a National Conference on Youth Involvement in Agriculture (NCYIA).  The conference took place in seven (7) geographical areas:

The conference was attended by private sector organizations targeting youth for their products and services, NGOs and government institutions. Excluding Dar es Salaam conference, a total of 1918 youth representatives (37% female) from all-over the country attended the conference organized in the 6 representative regions. The aims of the conference were to stimulate the involvement of youth in agriculture and to establish challenges which limit their engagement in agriculture. The Ministry in collaboration with NGOs and the private sector formulated an action plan to address the challenges and further developed a draft concept note.

The concept note was developed and presented to a designated technical team during a workshop organized from 10-14 April 2022. The Team agreed to engage a consultant to develop the BBTYIA Program document. Further development of the BBT-YIA Program involved desk research focusing on youth projects and literature from eastern and southern Africa, analysis of primary data from a survey of 160 NGOs and secondary data from the National Panel Survey cited in MSU/MasterCard Foundation report; continuous consultations with the BBT-YIA technical team.

Findings from primary data collected through 2nd to 8th May in-depth interviews with selected youth agribusinesses and private farms were also used to shape the arguments in the document. Therefore, the development of this document has considered the views of youth and institutions that have been engaged in addressing youth challenges.

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